The Mad Scientist’s Sports Lab: THE APPRENTICE EDITION – 8/15/15


Welcome to "The Mad Scientist's Sports Lab", hosted by "The Mad Scientist of Sports" Nick Ficorelli and "The Apprentice" Andrew Gluchov. This is not the average everyday sports show they are bringing to the air waves. "The Mad Scientist" has created his own personal sports lab, and you, the audience, as well as many of his special guests, will be his test subjects. He will throw theories out, and you never know where they will be coming from. He will keep everyone guessing, and he will open his lab to any and all comers. Be prepared for "mad science" sports talk at its best.

This week, "The Mad Scientist" is out of the lab on vacation, but "The Apprentice" is in and getting ready for his time to run the tests. So for this week, he searched far and wide to bring in his own test subjects, and what a group he found, At the open, we welcome back Russell Baxter, The Pro Football Guru, to talk about the late great Frank Gifford, and more news in the NFL. Up next, we welcome back Bob Harris of Football Diehards and Sirius XM, and Bob Lung, author of Fantasy Football Consistancy and the Asylum Football Network, to talk some more Fantasy Football. At the top of hour #2, we have nationally acclaimed author Vanessa Castro, who will talk about the new edition of her book "The Modern Girls' Guide to The Gridiron" and some college football, namely Big 12 and Texas tech. And to close the show, we welcome back David Spellman, our resident legal guru to talk about the Brady case, the O'Bannon case, and more.

The beacons are lit, the experiments are on the chalk board, and the test subjects are at the ready - The Mad Scientist's Sports Lab - THE APPRENTICE EDITION is open for business.

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